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This month's news: The Hill to Success / Access: Granted / Lorne Park's Newcomers / Meet our Caf Ladies

The Hill to Success

January 2015














LP's new principal, Mr. Hill!


By Emine Oakatan


We had a chance to sit with our new principal, Mr. Hill, to get to know the man behind it all. He was kind enough to save some of his time for us. Here's how the interview went!


Interviewer: How is it like settling into a new school and environment?

Mr. Hill: It's wonderful settling into Lorne Park - into any school. 


I: What makes Lorne Park different?

H: The variety of opportunities for the students here is really impressive to me. Here students, in their home lives, get wonderful, amazing support. In terms of opportunities, in terms of focus, and making sure that you [the students] get every chance that you can. The kids here want to get involved. I feel welcomed. 


I: What is the key to success?

M: My advice to students is to take every advantage that you can, be responsible for your learning. In today's world, it's about asking questions, being a strong advocate for your own learning. Make sure you're learning. 


I: What were you like in high school?

H: I was educated in a school downtown Toronto. It was a school in a very unique environment, because we had an eclectic community. It ranged from people who lived in a very affluent area of Toronto, to kids who lived in a pretty basic working class area. Where I grew up was right in the middle in that spectrum. We grew up in different times-we didn't have internet, and cellphones; that stuff that connected us to everybody. You usually stayed connected to people you were involved with. I played sports, and I was involved in music. We [my friends and I] talked about what we were going to do in our lives to make a difference.


I: What are your opinions on grad pranks?

H: My thoughts are, ‘really? Like, don't we have more creativity and can't we find a more productive way to use our very fertile imaginations to do something that's unique and yet doesn't put anyone at risk and not put resources at risk.’ If we have to spend extra money to clean up something or to repair something or to replace something then that means I'm not putting extra computers or books into a classroom. I'd want to see this school as a grad event. Do something productive, start a tradition. 


I: Any advice for graduating students?

H: Pursue your passions. 


I: What are you planning on bringing to the LP environment?

H: The SHSM [Specialist High Skills Major], which I don't take credit for. The AP [Advanced Placement] exams we've already brought in and we've altered the exam process-no more two exams on the same day. I'm just hoping to build on the success. 


Lorne Park’s Newcomers

January 2015















By Hannah Kuryluk


            At the beginning of each school year at L.P.S.S., there comes a new wave of excited, nervous, and even scared grade nines. There are so many thoughts running through their heads when they walk through those daunting doors on the very first day. Thoughts like, who will I share a locker with? And, what if I can’t find my first class? And also, where will I sit at lunch? For some grade nines, it will be one of the most nerve-wracking days of their lives so far.

            I personally felt very overwhelmed on my first day of high school, more than three years ago. I was anxious to walk the larger-than-life halls and couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the seniors. There were also so many new faces in my grade that I had never seen or met before. It was a totally new experience, way different from the first day of middle school. I think the transition would have been made easier had I an older brother or sister to give me advice about it.

            Luckily, I am now the older sister of a grade nine student here at Lorne Park. I told my younger sister that it’s normal to feel anxious about the first day of high school and even the whole first year. It’s a new and different world than the one she is used to, but that shouldn’t stop her from having a fun and memorable high school experience. I told her to join the clubs that she’s interested in and to make new friends! In fact, joining the clubs you like can be the best way to connect to the people with whom you’re most alike. Yes, the seniors can be intimidating, but students have to remember that they were once in their position and most likely felt just as nervous as them.

            Lorne Park is great because it has so much to offer its students. There are endless sports teams and clubs, that one of them is bound to interest someone. We also try our very best to make the grade nines feel welcome. We have mentors at the school who are here to help the grade nines feel included and comfortable. They organize a mentor day, where all of the grade nines participate in fun-filled games that help them to get to know each other better. Also, during the first week of school they wear their mentor shirts so it’s easy for the grade nines to spot them incase they need any kind of help. It can be a tough transition for the newcomers of the school, but Lorne Park is a place where you’ll make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Just remember to hold your head up high and enjoy the ride!


Access: Granted

January 2015















By Laura Prikosovich


Here's your chance to learn all about LP's best dressed teacher! Learn all about Mr. Grant: LP’s media, drama, and English teacher.


Interviewer: What's your favourite part about being a teacher?

Mr. Grant: I love that my job is different every day.  Even when I end up repeating the same courses and texts, it's different each time through because the students change, and they help me bring new energy and new life to the material.


I: What made you want to become a teacher?

G: My parents were both teachers, so being a teacher was the last thing I wanted to become.  I tried just about everything else, but the elements I enjoyed about each of those jobs all related to teaching.  Eventually I gave in, and of course I love it.


I: What's your favourite course to teach?  Why?

G: My instinct is to say Media Studies, because it's so much fun, and it really does change day to day as we following trending topics, stories, and entertainment genres, but I also really like Grade 12 English.  The texts we use in ENG4U0 are some of my favourites, and although it's certainly a challenging course to both take and teach, I love the opportunity to share some of these great works with my students.


I: How does it feel now that a student uses the same interview techniques you taught them?

G: I think it's awesome. I have had a number of Media Studies students go on to study media, broadcasting, and communication in university and college.  A few are even working in media now, which is also amazing.  The fact that students hang on to lessons like "interview theory" reassures me that I'm probably doing something right.


I: You're known to have a wide range of skill sets, and a wide unique range of past job occupations.  What skills did you learn in your past careers or current part time hobbies that you think have helped you become a better teacher or even coach?

G: Obviously my time in radio and television helped me with regards to teaching content, at least as it pertains to Media Studies.  I'm a theatre major, and I've always been a performer of sorts.  I'm sure I've been able to take something of every job I've had, but I probably took the most from being a tour guide.  As a tour guide, I had to learn how to make anything and everything interesting, an invaluable skill in the classroom.


I: What are some of your hobbies?

G: I really don't have time for hobbies anymore.  I used to have a bunch, but with a 2-year-old daughter, and a son on the way, it's different.  I suppose my hobbies are sharing simple things with my daughter, like catching snowflakes on your tongue.


I: What's your opinion on technological learning?

G: I love it, but it also makes me nervous.  I wonder sometimes if my grandchildren will know how to use a pencil.


I: What do you enjoy learning about most in today's pop culture?

G: I love learning about current slang.  It changes year to year, and it's usually quite clever.  I sound ridiculous using it, but I think everyone gets a kick out of it, especially because I never seem to get it down.  It's a constant work in progress because I'm always at least two years behind.


I: What advice would you give someone entering university?

G: Really spend time thinking carefully about the electives you take.  Universities offer so many cool courses, and I regret not spending more time looking through course selection guides in my first two years.  By third year I was having so much fun in school because I loved the material.  I actually woke up excited to go to class every day.


I: If you could try out any other occupation, other than teaching, what would it be, and why?

G: When I was young, I wanted to be a pilot.  That dream was dashed in grade 10 when I had to get glasses.  Honestly though, I don't think it's something I'd enjoy for a long period of time.  I loved being on the radio for a year, but then it got boring because no matter how you look at it, you're sitting alone in a room for hours.  Pilots have the same issue, it's just that the outfits are cooler.

Meet our Caf Ladies

January 2015


By Alexandra Wojaczek and Christy Kim


            There are three very lovely ladies at Lorne Park who come each day to serve the students (and teachers!) ready-to-go meals. We thought that it would be a great idea to know a little bit about our school’s dedicated staff. These ladies, (whose names all surprisingly start with the letter “L”) are incredibly hardworking, kind-hearted and dedicated to Lorne Park’s staff, students and events. So the next time you see them working in the cafeteria, make sure to greet them with a smile and a “thank you” for all that they do for us. Without further ado, we present to you Lorne Park’s, Lilian, Linda and Laura!














Name: Lilian

Years worked at LP: It’s been about 6 years now.

Best Experience: I love being in my kitchen and spending time with the students. I love seeing people enjoy my food!

Worst Experience: My worst experience is probably getting stuck in the snow on my way to work. I had two accidents coming to school before.

Fun Fact: I lived very far away before I came here! Places with a warmer climate: In Miami and Venezuela, so Canada is too cold for me. Also, I’m still working hard to improve my English.

Favorite Food: I like Spanish Food. My husband is from Spain, so I like the culture in general, but I love Spanish food! I make paella for my family sometimes.














Name: Linda

Years worked at LP: Since 2000, so about 14 years in total!

Best Experience: Watching the Spartans win their final football games!

Worst Experience: Well, I burnt a tray of cookies last week and they had to go in the garbage. So that was a bit heartbreaking. 

Life Goal: Retirement, I’m very close now.

Fun Fact: I have five grandchildren. The oldest is 22 and is studying to become a police officer. I’m so proud of him!

Favorite Food: COOKIES, of course!














Name: Laura

Years worked at LP: I’ve been going back and forth for a few years, but this is my fourth run!

Best Experience: My best experience is watching the new kids that come in every year!

Worst Experience: My worst experience is probably the time when I almost cut off my finger working in the kitchen. They had just sharpened all the knives and I had to go to the emergency afterwards. I’m okay now!

Life Goal: Well, I work for “Survivor Man”, that’s my full-time job. So basically doing anything involving him is my goal!

Fun Fact: I am an animal fanatic! I have lots of pets: I have a dog, a guinea pig named Bubbles, a dwarf rabbit and lots of cats! Their names are Sasha, Buttons, Molka, Tara, Sydney and Leo! They all find me and I take them in!

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